
募集説明会:2月23日(日)/3月2日(日)いずれも10:00~12:00 (要予約)➙ 終了しました



第 58 回姉妹都市学生親善使節交流事業
芦屋市・モンテベロ市 姉妹都市交流 学生親善使節歓送迎会



橋本 菜央(高校2年生)



芝吹 知宏(高校1年生)

僕は今回、このプログラムを通じて、多くの人と交流をすることや、互いに文化や歴史などを伝え合うこと、それぞれの都市への関心をより深めることに特に力を入れて取り組み、互いのより良い街づくりに貢献したいと考えています。 芦屋市とモンテベロ市の長い姉妹都市としての関係を絶やさず、さらに深い関係を築くために僕ができることを全力で取り組みたいと思っています。よろしくお願いします。



Ben Richards(Junior in high school)

Hello! I’m extremely excited to be coming to Ashiya, Japan this summer and participating in a decades long exchange of students and culture. I am a Junior at Montebello High School where I play baseball, which I’ve been playing since I was 4 years old. I am a left handed pitcher for our varsity team. My favorite baseball player is Ichiro Suzuki. I also enjoy cars and Formula 1 with my favorite car the RWB Porsche 911 and my favorite Formula one driver Micheal Schumacher. Outside of baseball and cars I enjoy learning about math and science hoping to become a genetic engineer in the future. Finally, I can’t wait to meet all the amazing people of Ashiya and make lifelong memories.

Issac Flores (Senior in high school)

    I’m absolutely thrilled about my upcoming trip to Ashiya! I’ve spent what feels like my entire life in Montebello, residing with my mom, dad, and older sister. I’m a senior at Montebello High School, where I serve as the Creative Director of the yearbook and President of the Film, Music, and Art club. Photography is my passion, and I can’t get enough of it! Heading off to college in the fall is on my agenda. I’m also fascinated by diverse cultures worldwide, which is why Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown is my favorite TV show. I can’t wait to connect with everyone in Ashiya and delve into the rich tapestry of Japanese culture and its people!