The main aim of ACA Japanese lessons is to learn basic level Japanese for living in Ashiya and improve their ability of conversation, reading, comprehension and kanji .
Japanese Lessons at Shio-Ashiya Exchange Center(English)
Japanese Lessons at La Mall Ashiya(English)
Please click here if you are interested in Japnese lessons for children.

●開催場所&日時 Day,Time & Place
< 潮芦屋交流センター Shio-Ashiya Exchange Center>
月曜日 Monday: 10:30~12:00 / 13:30~15:00
火曜日 Tuesday: 17:00~20:00 (90min.)
木曜日 Thursday: 10:30~12:00
土曜日 Saturday: 10:30~12:00
<北教室 North Area>
火曜日 Tuesday: 9:00~10:30、10:30~12:00
金曜日 Friday: 13:30~15:00
Lessons are not held in August, on national holidays, and at the end of the year and the New year.
●費 用 Fee
受講料:1回200円 Lesson fee:200yen per lesson
Students who participate in Tuesday morning or Friday afternoon lessons held in North area need to pay 2,000yen for room expenses every fiscal year(April through March).
●場 所 Places
Shio-Ashiya Exchange Center : 7-1, Kaiyo-cho, Ashiya
ラ・モール芦屋: 芦屋市大原町2-6
La Mall Ashiya : 2-6, Ohara-cho, Ashiya
認定NPO法人 芦屋市国際交流協会
Certified NPO Corporation Ashiya Cosmopolitan Association(ACA)
受付時間 | 9:00~17:30 |
休館日 | 水曜日・年末年始(12月28日~1月4日) |
TEL | 0797-34-6340 |
FAX | 0797-34-6341 |